The Kiss, 1990 by Roy Lichtenstein

One of Lichtenstein's signature trademarks is the application of pronounced Benday dots. He printed the small dots separately using a metal stencil. The bright golden waxy hair and crystalized
tears are stylized to suit the dramatic affect Lictenstein strove for in the majority of his prints.
Unlike the intimacy, and sexuality scenece presented by The Kiss painting of Gustav Klimt,
Roy Lichtenstein's painting Kiss appears as if it is a cut-out from a newspaper comic depicting a scene of a meeting sealed with tears and a kiss, and agony and ecstasy fuse into one melodramatic
guilty pleasure in this painting. Influenced by artists who experimented with artworks based on everyday life, Lichtenstein began his career depicting semi-abstract scenes of the Old West but soon
switched to producing both prints and paintings referencing the world of comics and advertisements. Celebrated as one of the most influential Pop Art artists, Lichtenstein often created artworks as
if they were a blown-up cartoons or comic images.