Ohhh...Alright..., 1964 by Roy Lichtenstein

Lichtenstein's 1960s works were comic-inspired - they're angsty frames, often featuring ladies in distress. In one iconic image, a beautiful, fraught woman with a furrowed brow grasps a
telephone in both hands as she says "Ohh ... Alright ..." You just know she's talking to a fellow. Who knows what he's saying to her and what she's reluctantly agreeing to. Lichtenstein
lets us imagine the back story - and what might happen next.
In the 1960s, young American artists were looking for ways to make their marks. Jackson Pollock did it with drip painting,
Mark Rothko did it with colorfield painting. Roy Lichtenstein did it with dots. Inventing pop art, comic-book frames were his starting point.